About The Gefrin Trust
In 2002 Ad Gefrin, one of the most significant sites in early Northumbrian history, passed into the hands of The Gefrin Trust.
The Gefrin Trust was formed in 2002 and incorporated as a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee (Reg. No. 5306702) in 2004. Its main objective is ensuring the future preservation of the site through sympathetic management, conservation and investigation.
Our trustees reflect both local and national interests, with representation from the local community (Glendale Gateway Trust), Northumberland County Council, Northumberland National Park, Historic England and Durham University.
The Trust also draws on some of the foremost specialists in Anglo-Saxon studies in the region.
The Gefrin Trust is a small private company, whose works are wholly dependent upon grant aid and support in kind. As this web-site illustrates, since our formation the range of our activities has expanded, and we are ever grateful for contributions , however small, towards these and our future works.