We are fortunate to have been granted permission to make the following publications available on our website for educational and not for profit consumption.
Although we link directly to the publications from their relevant sections throughout the website we have collected them here for your convenience.

Yeavering: an Anglo-British Centre of Early Northumbria.
Author: Hope-Taylor, B.K. 1977
London HMSO.
Brian Hope-Taylor’s report on his excavations, ‘Yeavering; An Anglo-British Centre of Early Northumbria’ is today a difficult to access and a rarity in the sale catalogues of antiquarian booksellers.
The Gefrin Trust has been fortunate in securing the rights from HMSO to offer here access to the full published text and illustrations as a PDF file.

The dating and significance of the inlaid buckle loop from Yeavering
Author: Martin G. Welch
This buckle loop is almost certain to have been an import from the Frankish
kingdoms on the Continent

Life on the Edge
Author: Semple, S., Orsini, O., & Mui, S. (Eds.). (2017).
Life on the Edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Medieval Europe

Two Early Medieval Cemeteries at Milfield, Northumberland
Author: C.J. Scull & A.F. Harding
The two cemeteries were discovered during Dr. A. Harding’s excavation of the henge near Milfield. They might be taken to suggest settlement at Milfield contemporary with that at Ad Gefrin, and before the time when the royal residence was relocated here.
From Durham Archaeological Journal, 6, (1990) 1-29.

Occupation and Industrial Features in the Henge Monument at Yeavering
Authors: Alison Tinniswood and Anthony Harding
As the aerial photographs have indicated from the outset, the Anglo-Saxon settlement extends across the whole of the sand and gravel whaleback, both to the north and south of the modern road. Unsurprisingly then, excavation of the henge near its eastern extremity revealed further evidence for Anglo-Saxon settlement. While the nature of the structural evidence, including a probable fence line, remains opaque, especial interest attaches to the numerous crucible fragments suggestive of metalworking on a part of the settlement situated at the leeward extremity of the prevailing wind, and where the danger of sparks affecting nearby buildings would have been minimised.
From Durham Archaeological Journal, 7, 1991, 93-108.

Brian Hope-Taylor’s Excavations on Yeavering Bell
Author: Roger Miket
We would like to thank the Newcastle upon Tyne Society of Antiquaries for granting us permission to add this article to our on line publications.
From Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5 Vol.42. 2013, pp133-160.
Copyright Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne.

Excavations in the Prehistoric Ritual Complex near Milfield
Author: Anthony Harding
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 47, 1981, pp. 87-135

Rediscovering the Landscape of the Northumbrian Kings
Authors: Roger Miket and Sarah Semple
ISBN: 987-1-873402-29-5
Through the kind support of Historic England, Northumberland National Park and Northumberland County Council, the Gefrin Trust produced a travelling exhibition on Yeavering. A booklet was produced to accompany the exhibition, here available as a PDF file.
Published by Northumberland County Council

Ad Gefrin: A Handlist of Site Finds and their Records.
Authors: RCAHMS and the Gefrin Trust
From the Brian Hope-Taylor Archive in the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland record.

Yeavering Bell Leaflet
As part of their ‘Hillforts Project’, ‘the Northumberland National Park produced a series of excellent descriptive leaflets on hillforts in the Park.
Now out of print, the Northumberland National Park have allowed us to offer here that on Yeavering Bell and the 6th-7th century AD settlement, together with their useful Teaching Pack on the hillfort and Anglo-British seettlement which you can find below.

The Lost Palace
Produced by the Northumberland National Park this is a four part shared text for the literacy hour. A glossary of archaeological terms is included.
What the Goats Saw – Generations of goats have lived on Yeavering Bell for thousands of years. This is their view of the story.
Bede and Beowulf – Real life accounts of what life was like at Yeavering in the millennium before last.
How the Palace was Found – A non-fiction account of the discovery of the Ad Grfin palace.