The Yeavering Standing Stone
On the eastern lower slope of the sand and gravel mound upon which the prehistoric and early medieval remains at Yeavering are centered, sits a 2m high standing-stone, raised in the Chalcolithic or early Bronze Age (circa 2400 2000 BC) as part of a ceremonial complex which included a large henge monument (ritual enclosure) on the crest to the west, and a stone circle with cemetery beyond that.
However, the survival of this monolith in the landscape might owe as much to its later fame as marking the site of a skirmish that took place here on the 22nd July, 1415 during the Anglo-Scottish wars, in which a raiding force of reputedly some 4000 scots were defeated by of force of 300 bowmen and 150 spearmen led by Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmoreland, and Sir Robert Umfravill. The stone became known as the Yeavering Battle Stone’.
In the early 1920’s the Berwickshire Naturalist Society visited Yeavering and noted that the stone had fallen. They generously contributed towards its re-erection on the spot where it lay, although its precise position and orientation remains uncertain.
The rendering here captures the Yeavering stone in April 2019 immediately following ploughing in the field. The fresh marks of the tractor tyres can be seen.
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