We present an ever growing selection of articles and features connected with the work of the Gerfin Trust. Please drop by regularly as we continue to update the page.

The Yeavering Stone
A recent photogrammetry survey allows us to present a digital model of this important monolith, associated with a nearby henge structure, for the very first time.

The Lost Centuries
The Gefrin Trust is delighted to present a digitally restored episode from Anglia Television's 'The Lost Centuries', written and presented by Brian Hope-Taylor.

Hope-Taylor in 3D
Ground-breaking digital techniques allow us to create 3D models of Brian Hope-Taylor's original excavation trenches at Yeavering from original excavation photographs.

Our Bamburgh Connection
Bamburgh and Yeavering are important early medieval palace sites. Find out more about the connection and our collaboration with the Bamburgh Research Project.

Our First Open Day
A bit of nostalgia. The weather was kind, though the marquee we had on site managed to disintegrate in the breeze the night before. Have a look back to 1992

The Gefrin Monument
The now familiar Gefrin Monument marks the location of the Ad Gefrin site today. However, it could have looked very different! We reveal the story of the monument.

The Yeavering Quarry
The delicate archaeology on site could have been lost forever! Find out about the Yeavering Quarry and it's part in the still unfolding story of the Ad Gefrin site.

Brian Hope-Taylor
A brief overview of the man who first recognised and excavated the Ad Gefrin site and whose presence has become inseparable from any discussion about Yeavering.

In Our Time - St Hilda
Melvin Bragg is joined by Trustee Rosemary Cramp for a discussion on the life of St Hilda. We are also presented with a fascinating insight into life and living in the 7th Century.

National Park Video
Trustees Brian Cosgrove and Chris Jones worked together with a student media crew to help commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Northumberland National Park.

Eddie Robb
When you visit the modern day site at Ad Gefrin you will notice the gateposts have been skilfully and beautifully carved. These are the work of local artist Eddie Robb.